Read to your child: Ask Questions

For Pre-School to Kindergarden, try to spend most of your time reading TO your child.
For 1st grade to 5th grade, spend time reading both TO and WITH your child

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After connecting in a special time, special place and with a special story, try on High Impact Home Strategy: ASK QUESTIONS

Before, during, and after reading to your child, take time to talk about the ideas and events in the books you read together. Remember to validate your child’s thinking and interests, and to give your child ample time to think about as well as respond to your questions.


Talk about the title and cover illustrations. Here are some questions you can ask your child:

  • What do you notice about the title and cover illustrations?
  • What do you think this story is about?
  • Why do you think that? What are you wondering about?


Stop at interesting parts and take turns sharing your thinking. Here are some prompts you could use anytime:

  • What are you thinking?
  • What is happening?
  • Tell me about that…


Talk about the BIG ideas of the story.

  • What do you think was an important message/idea in this story?
  • What part did you like best? Why?
  • How do you feel about the ending? Why?

Use Open-ended Questions

Close-ended questions are those which can be answered by a single word or simple "yes" or "no," while Open-Ended Questions require more thought and more elaboration. Open questions require children to think and talk more, and talking helps us learn! It is so important during this time to listen to what our students have to say because they have wonderful ideas! U

You can use these printable bookmarks to remember these helpful tips. Enjoy your time together and have fun!

SDUSD Family and Community Engagement Department (FACE) is implementing High Impact Home Strategies, which are research-based practices, linked to student learning, that when utilized by parents and caregivers at home, have been proven to have significant impacts on student learning and academic achievement in school.