Community Advisory Committee for Special Education (CAC):
Advises the Board of Education and Special Education Program staff about the Special Education Local Plan (SELPA), annual priorities, parent education and other special education-related activities. California Education Code mandates that each SELPA must have a CAC and that a majority of members be parents. More information...
District Advisory Committee (DAC):
Focuses on the funding that flows into San Diego Unified from the state and federal government for students that are socioeconomically disadvantaged. The DAC is a parent-led district advisory group that provides training, data, and budget information concerning funds that are meant to target socioeconomically disadvantaged students. Participants are prepared to discuss and offer advice to a school site council, district staff, the Superintendent and the Board of Education. Each School Site Council that participates in state and federally funded programs and sends a representative to each DAC meeting to vote on funding priorities for this money and to relay important district information to the school’s SSC. More information...
District Advisory Committee (DAC) for the GATE:
The GATE DAC Department continues as an important vehicle for parent and community involvement in educational programs for gifted students. The GATE DAC is compromised of parent representatives from schools through out the district, and is designed to represent all geographical areas of the district as well as the GATE programs and the grade levels in which they are offered. More information...
District English Language Advisory Committee (DELAC):
Made of up of representatives from each school’s English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) to advise the district on the programs and services that the district provides to English learners. More information...
Equity Coalition:
Students, parents, staff and community members unite to leverage knowledge, networks, resources and talent to ensure that each and every student is college,
Ethnic Studies Advisory Committee:
Develops recommendations to the superintendent and board to ensure full funding for successful implementation of ethnic studies so that all students have access to a relevant, engaging, empowering and diverse educational experience in all content areas that promotes academic achievement, advocacy, critical thinking and collaborations.
LGBTQIA Advisory Committee:
The Safe Schools Task Force supports a nondiscrimination policy to ensure a healthier learning environment for all students, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning students. More information...
San Diego Council of PTAs:
Our Mission is to advocate for all the children and youth of San Diego Unified School District. San Diego Unified Council of PTAs will provide service, support, training, leadership, and guidance to each of our 80+ PTA units. We will assist units through communication, training, unit visits, projects, and providing PTA resources. We will serve our community through education, collaboration and resource services. More information...
SDUSD Wellness Council:
Each school district is required to create a Wellness Policy that reflects these mandatory changes. Because San Diego Unified is a large district, our Wellness Policy follows the Coordinated School Health model. Our Wellness Policy incorporates the following aspects: nutrition, physical education, health education, health services, counseling and support services, healthy school environment, health promotion for staff and family/community involvement. More information...
Title VI Indian Education Parent Advisory Committee:
The Indian Education Parent Advisory Committee helps American Indian/Alaska Native students succeed in school, and graduate and enroll in college. More information...