Parent University Classes
The Common Core State Standards: What Parents Need to Know
In this 1 to 1 1/2 hour class, parents will learn about the Common Core State Standards and the 6 major shifts taking place in English Language Arts and Math.
CCSS-Standards for Mathematical Practice
In this 1 to 1 1/2 hour class, parents will learn about the 6 shifts in Math and see examples of shifts in the areas of focus and skills across the grades. We will then concentrate on the 8 standard for mathematical practice and show how parents can use them to support and engage their students with Math at home.
Internet Safety
Parents learn about the risk their children may encounter while accessing the internet, as well as various ways to prevent them from becoming cyber victims. Information about social media and cell phones will also be discussed. (Grades K-12)
Homework Essentials
Parents can help their children get ready for homework by organizing 3 simple things: time, place, and tools. Preventing homework hassles and solutions to common homework problems will be discussed. (Grades K-5)
Preparing Students for College and Career: The a-g Requirements.
Families will learn about a-g classes their students will need to take in middle and high school in order to be prepared with essential skills for college and career. It’s not too early to plan ahead. (Grades 6-12)
Writing Family Stories
In this 4-session class, parents will learn about different types of writing: poetry, biographies, letters, while creating a family album featuring photos from home and their own class writings. (Grades 2-5)
Destination College
In this 4-session class, parents will learn the value of motivating their kids to attend college and how to prepare them for this experience. Topics covered include: myths about college, high school graduation/a-g university requirements, financial aid, goal setting and more. (Grades 4-12)
Mathematics Today
This 4-session class helps parents understand how Math is being taught differently today. Parents will learn that problem solving, cooperative learning and modeling with mathematics is the approach, instead of memorization and worksheets. (Grades K-5)