Strategy #1: Ask Questions (6th-12th Grade)

Ask Questions

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After connecting in a special time, special place and with a special story, try on High Impact Home Strategy: ASK QUESTIONS


Regularly make time to talk with your child about school, their grades, and their coursework in order to help monitor their progress and provide support as needed.

Here are some questions you can ask:

  • What classes do you enjoy? Which are going well, Why?
  • What class(es) are you struggling with or feeling unchallenged by? Why?
  • In what ways have you communicated your concerns with your teacher or counselor?


If you have concerns or need help supporting your student in a specific class, contact your student’s teacher.

Here are some questions you can ask:

  • What does my child need to work on in order to be successful?
  • What is something we can all agree to work on together?
  • When can we check in again about my student’s progress?


After talking to your student’s teacher, if you feel you still need more information about additional programs or supports oered by the school, or have unresolved concerns, contact the school counselor or administration.

  • How can I help my student monitor their attendance and grades?
  • What additional supports does your school oer that would support my student’s progress?
  • Who will contact me if my student falls behind?

Use Open-ended Questions

Close-ended questions are those which can be answered by a single word or simple "yes" or "no," while Open-Ended Questions require more thought and more elaboration. Open questions require students to think and talk more, and talking helps us learn! It is so important during this time to listen to what our students have to say because they have wonderful ideas!

You can use these printable bookmarks to remember these helpful tips. Enjoy your time together and have fun!

SDUSD Family and Community Engagement Department (FACE) is implementing High Impact Home Strategies, which are research-based practices, linked to student learning, that when utilized by parents and caregivers at home, have been proven to have significant impacts on student learning and academic achievement in school.

Preparing your Home to Teach the High Impact Home Strategies

Preparing your home to teach and learn the High Impact Home Strategies

Let’s make a routine to Connect with each other!

The new year is here, and if you haven’t already done so, this is a great time to work with your child to establish home routines. This strategy will enable you to connect with your child and share the joys of reading, while using San Diego Unified School District High Impact Home Strategies. We value our families’ role as co-teachers to support our children’s growth as life-long readers in preparation for college and career

Connect at a Special Time Each Day

Creating a routine that consistent around the same time will help both you and your child make reading together a habit and give something for both of you to look forward to each day.

Connect at a Special Place

Choose a comfortable place, away from distractions if possible, so that you can focus on being present with each other.

Connect Through Media and Text

Take turns choosing the materials you know you and your child you will enjoy. It may be an a book, a youtube video, facebook post or a news article. Be creative in your selection of books and or materials. You may want to consider searching on the web around a topic or visiting your local library. There are also several resources for digital books that can be accessed by phone. Go to FACE website for more information.

Connect Through Interaction

Good communication is an important parenting skill. Whether you are parenting a toddler or a teenager, good communication is the key to building self-esteem as well a mutual respect.

• Let your kids know you're listening.

• Listen carefully and politely. Don’t interrupt the child when he is trying to tell his story. Be as courteous to your child as you would be to your best friend.

• Respond in a way your children will hear.

• Reinforce the child for keeping communication open. Do this by accepting him and praising his efforts to communicate.