Harold J. Ballard Neighborhood Centers

The Harold J. Ballard Neighborhood Centers will be located across the district to support community needs. They will house parent education workshops, provide resources for families, and can be used for community gatherings and meeting. 


Knox Middle School
1098 S 49th St,
San Diego, CA 92113

Pamela King


Area 2:

Bell Middle School
620 Briarwood Rd,
San Diego, CA 92139

Walker Elementary
9225 Hillery Dr, San Diego, CA 92126

Katherine Aud
Maria Iizumi


Montgomery Middle School
2470 Ulric St,
San Diego, CA 92111

Karly Robinson

Area 4:

Clairemont High School
4150 Ute Dr,
San Diego, CA 92117

Ashley Gaze

Area 5:

Memorial Middle School
2850 Logan Ave,
San Diego, CA 92113

Yvonne Muñoz

Area 6:

Wilson Middle School
3838 Orange Ave,
San Diego, CA 92105

Mann Middle School
4345 54th St, San Diego, CA 92115

Ciria Brewer
Marilin Levitan