Cultural Awareness Online Center & Resources

 The YFA Team is excited to bring a Digital On-line Cultural Awareness Center.  

Community Organizing: Military, Refugee & Foster/Homeless

San Diego Unified School District welcomes our diverse families into our schools.  Our Community Assistants work diligently to develop and create resources and services for the communities in our Children, Youth and Transitions Department.

Inter-Cultural Relations Team

The Inter-Cultural Relations Team supports and builds agency, empowerment of students and their families with multiple tiers of supports and community partnerships to address inter-cultural relations, and the needs of diverse communities.

- Inter-Cultural Literacy
- Culturally Relevant Practices and Curriculum
- Professional Development
- Anti-Bullying

Special Education Ombudspersons

The Office of Ombudsperson was created to facilitate resolution of special education issues. Ombudspersons are not parent advocates nor district decision-makers, but work impartially with all parties to assist in the resolution of concerns related to students' special needs. This typically occurs within the Individualized Education Programs (IEP) process.

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Inter-Cultural Relations Team

The Inter-Cultural Relations Team supports and builds agency, empowerment of students and their families with multiple tiers of supports and community partnerships to address inter-cultural relations, and the needs of diverse communities.

- Inter-Cultural Literacy
- Culturally Relevant Practices and Curriculum
- Professional Development
- Anti-Bullying


 LGBTQIA Education and Advocacy functions under the Office of Youth Advocacy and is a completely integrated program within San Diego Unified School District that collaborates with other programs to make schools safer for all students including gay, lesbian, bisexual/pansexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, and asexual students.

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Indian Education Program

The Indian Education Program supports and addresses the unique educational and cultural needs of urban American Indian and Alaska Native students who attend schools in the San Diego Unified School District. Some of the academy services offered are:

- Tutoring and mentoring
- Dropout prevention counseling
- Parent-teacher consultations
- Monitoring of student grades and attendance
- College scholarship application assistance

Parent Education

This course catalog and resource guide is designed to help schools increase parent involvement, to engage parents in their children’s education and to help you meet Title I ESEA Parental Involvement Requirements, Section 1118. We provide a variety of classes and programs for parents at schools.

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Center for International Families and Students

DACA, CA Dream Act, and International Host Families

SDEA Home Visiting Project

The SDEA and FACE Team are partnering and piloting this new initiative to help schools build stronger relationships in our communities. To learn more about the Teacher Home Visit Project

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