Family Academic Learning

Welcome SDUSD Families! We are dedicated to keeping the families of SDUSD connected with the latest resources and information needed to support their children’s education and lifelong success.

Family Centered Coaching

A Family Approach to Student
Centered Coaching Cycles

Early Literacy Initiative

Vision: Engage families and build reading-readiness skills through the maintenance and expansion of the Raising a Reader Program in our lowest performing schools. Additional schools( PreK-1 grade classes) will be added (currently 16 schools and 81 classrooms). Raising a Reader circulates high quality children’s books into homes and helps families develop and maintain a habit of shared reading and inspires families to make reading a priority.

Family Learning Meetings

Conversations with families around
student data, progress, goals and roles of
school & home for accelerated outcomes

High Impact Home Strategies

 Tools for families to use at home

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SDEA Home Visiting Project

The SDEA and Family Engagement Team are partnering and piloting this new initiative to help schools build stronger relationships in our communities. To learn more about the Teacher Home Visit Project. 13 Pilot Schools in 17-18

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Parent Leadership Opportunities

School Site Leadership Opportunities

District Leadership Opportunities

Parent Education

This course catalog and resource guide is designed to help schools increase parent involvement, to engage parents in their children’s education and to help you meet Title I ESEA Parental Involvement Requirements, Section 1118. We provide a variety of classes and programs for parents at schools.

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Online Resources for Families

We offer a range of training packages in a range of subject areas.

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In the end, there is no program or policy that can substitute for a parent…Responsibility for our children’s education must begin at home.”
-Barack Obama